Mid Week Groups


CoffeeStop is held in Church Centre every Monday mornings, except Bank Holidays, from 10am to 12noon.  You are most welcome to drop in for tea, coffee, biscuits and a chat.  No charges are made, but there is the opportunity to make a donation, which we will then pass on to a nominated charity. 


The group is open to ladies of all ages; many who come along regularly are not Southgate Church members. We have between 30 and 40 ladies at each meeting. We usually meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.45pm in the Small Hall of the Community Centre. A charge of £2 is made and this includes tea/coffee and a biscuit. Outings may cost more. The programme is very varied; please contact the Administrator if you would like to receive a copy.


New members are welcome. If you are interested in joining please contact the Administrator - details on 'Contact Us' page.






Southgate Church has a popular and well attended Friendship Club for people over 55.

Our meetings are relaxed and varied and activities include:- day trips, afternoon trips, meals out, visiting speakers and quiz and games afternoons.

We meet on the first and third Thursday afternoons of each month from 2.30pm in the Church Centre.
There is a charge of £3 per session towards refreshments and the costs of running the club.

Please contact the Administrator if you would like to receive a copy of their programme of events.

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