Southgate Church


Southgate Church has developed from its beginnings in Hardwick Primary School over 40 years ago.  We later moved into our own Church Centre, which is part of Southgate Community Centre.  We are an interdenominational Local Ecumenical Partnership, supported by the Church of England, the United Reformed Church and the Baptist Union of Great Britain.

We now use the Main Hall in the Community Centre for our Sunday morning worship.  Other rooms in the Community Centre provide space for our Sunday Club for children and young people and rooms for prayer and ministry, before and after the service.

The Church Centre is well used throughout the week by a wide range of groups, for all ages, from toddlers to more senior citizens and a Monday morning CoffeeStop.  You can find more details of these groups on this site.  The Church Centre is also used for a Thursday morning Communion Service (usually on the first, second and third Thursdays of each month) and a whole church prayer meeting on alternate Wednesday evenings.

Currently there are also 7 House Groups, which meet on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, plus a group that meets on Thursday afternoons.



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