The Bidford Archive

Description of the Archive

Bidford & District History Society (BDHS) and the Bidford Community Library (BCL) have collaborated to establish a district Archive in Bidford library. The Archive creates a space where original material on the district’s past is preserved. A detailed specification of the Archive is found in Archive System Policy

Curating of the Archive is undertaken by BDHS while BCL manage access to the archived material. Within a secure cabinet archive material is preserved in appropriate conditions for future generation. It is available for public access, for family research or other research for those curious to find out more about the area’s past.

For an helpful outline of Archive operations click this link: Archive User Guide

Because of capacity constraints researchers must make an appointment with BCL to explore materials. The library has limited opening hours detailed in the User Guide

Archive documentary and photographic items have been catalogued. BDHS has established also digitised material to view electronically. Both sets are available to access through BCL. Documentary records stretch as far back as 1640 however the majority cover the period 1850 to 1980. The Archive is catalogued as follows, with each section then subdivide by local village.

Crime and Punishment

Diaries and Biographies,

Old Maps

Topical Events

Population - Census Returns

Population - Other Returns

World War 1

World War 2

Pre 1500AD materials

Photographs and Pictures

History Society Presentations and publications

Library Displays


A list of materials in the Archive can be viewed clicking on: Archive List.

Researchers must specify in advance the specific archive items they wish to inspect, using the Archive Withdrawal Form. Files will be extracted by BCL volunteers in preparation for the researcher visit.

Researchers must complete and sign a copy of the Terms and Conditions before access to archival material will be granted. Click on the link to download a copy. Signatories are protected by our Privacy Policy available here.





The Bidford Archive
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